The battle of liberation from Spanish rule. A historic moment for the republic of Ecuador. History points to Marshal Antonio Jose de Sucre as the great manager of the Battle of Pichincha that gave way to a process of independence that materialize after the August 10 Independence of Ecuador.
After the release of Guayaquil on October 9, 1820, the country enters a deep overhaul of its identity and after two failed attempts to free themselves from oppression, the great battle occurs.
It happened on the slopes of the Pichincha volcano, over 3,000 meters above sea level, near the city of Quito in Ecuador today.
In 1822, Sucre decided to face the Spanish troops with 1,700 men over the days became 3000 thanks to San Martin.
The morning of May 23 when troops silently run the Pichincha to plan what would be the battle of freedom and triumph.
After hours of waiting, the May 24 battle occurs. Despite the casualties, the victorious soldiers were climbing the summit of the volcano. Once at the top they cried victory and thus one of the most memorable in the history of Ecuador days devoted.
May 24 is considered a civic date of the heroes who gave their lives for freedom. With the Battle of Pichincha, Ecuador political independence that marked the beginning of the Republican and independent life of Ecuador was sealed.
On May 25, Sucre entered with his army to Quito where he announced the surrender of the Spanish troops.

United States Independence Day.
Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776, he was drafted in Congress a declaration of the representatives of the United States of America in General Congress Assembled.
On June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduced a resolution urging Congress, which met in Philadelphia, to declare independence from Britain. Four days later, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston were elected members of the committee to draft a declaration of independence. The letter produced by the committee was read in Congress on June 28. On July 4 the Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, which contained a number of grievances against the British crown. The document was printed and distributed throughout the colonies as a handout. The flyers were large sheets of paper, usually printed on one side, popular in the eighteenth century as a rapid method of distribution of important information.

To be held in different decades and
different stages.
On 24 may, the president
decree feriado
army does your fashion shows in different places as in carondelet palace, one
should also comparsas, museums, standing flags of ecuador in every home, etc.